Thursday, February 26, 2009

Week 5 - Landscapes

I tried to zoom in on the White Mountains, but I didn't want to crop the picture. It was absolutely unbelievable to view from Danville yesterday afternoon.

Week 5

This is I91 and the surrounding landscape from Bonzai Bridge. Who would have thought that an Interstate could be aesthetically pleasing to the eye?

Week 5 - Even More Landscapes

I thought these houses nestled in the landscape looked like a Norman Rockwell painting.

Week 5 - More Landscapes

Though there isn't much color right now, there was something about the monochromatic color scheme that really made this landscape stand out. This is one of the photos I hope to touch up in Photoshop next week.

Week 5 - Landscapes

I went to the scenic overlook in Danville yesterday. It was absolutely beautiful because the sun was shining. Again, I tried to incorporate the technique of framing as well as capture this week's assignment of landscapes.

Week 5 - Landscapes

This week is about landscapes. With this photo I tried to incorporate some of the other lessons I learned so far in class. I tried to frame the road with the ledges, I also got the landscape in the frame. I also wanted to try and incorporate lines and roads which was the discussion this week in class around aesthetics.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Week 4 - Aesthetics

I can't believe I actually took this picture. I looked out my back door and there it was. The colors were right, the sky was right, the snow was perfect.

Week 4

Aesthetics is the lesson. I hope this fits the assignment

Week 4 - Continued

I drive past this barn every day and I thought it is an interesting building. I decided to finally take a picture of it with the new white snow that had fallen. I hope it is aesthetically pleasing.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Week 4 - Just for Fun

Again, just trying to take pictures from a different perspective and also trying to apply the new concepts I learned in class.

Week 4 - More Pictures

This was taken out my back door...again I tried to frame and use the rule of thirds. It is really a visually interesting picture.

Week 4 - Athestics

The other assignment was to use the rule of thirds to make our picture more pleasing to the eye. I was trying to combine both the "framing" technique and the golden thirds rule in this picture. I thought it was rather interesting.

Week 4 - Frames

This is Burke Mountain from my front yard. I was hoping to "frame" the mountain and sure enough, there are some spectacular trees on my road that framed the mountain beautifully.

Week 4 - Frames

Our assignment this week is to "frame" a picture. It is really an interesting concept. I was looking around diligently and out of no where, here's this little evergreen. It's really the only colorful object outside.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Week 3 - Color

Another example of monochromatic photography. This pictures shows varying hues of red.

Week 3 - Color

I think this picture shows the contrasting color concept that we learned last week in class.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Week 3 - Color

I took this out my back door this afternoon. I don't think I've seen blue sky in months. I'm ready for spring.

Week 3 - Color

By jove...I think I've got it. This is a picture of the moon this morning. It was kind of orange/yellow and as you can see, the sky was turning from black to blue. I'm really excited about this one.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week 3 - Color or Lack thereof

I'm still trying to get color from a colorless world. The winter is getting to me. I tried again with this picture. I did think the fog was rather pretty.

Week 3 - Color

Another attempt at achieving one of the color concepts given as an assignment for this week. It's very challenging.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Week 3 - Color

Again with the color. This piece I did in the last Art class I took. I would qualify this as monochromatic too. Varying shades of blues. This is actually a necklace I made by fusing glass. It's one of my favorite pieces of jewlery.

Week 3 - Color

Week 3 - I don't know if this qualifies as one of the color concepts we learned. I think its analagous as there is black, white and shades of gray. I guess I'll find out. I thought this was a really interesting photo. It shows a lot of texture (since there is a lack of color right now)

Week 3 - Color

Week 3 - It's all about the color. My assignment is to take two pictures in the three color concepts we learned in class this week. I would call this monochromatic. It has varying hues of green in it which, of course, is one of my favorite colors. This is going to be a challenging assignment as there isn't much color outside right now.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Macro Photo

I was trying to take a picture of the Harley Davidson emblem. I needed more light, my flash created a white spot in the picture. I guess that's what this class is all about. I did the tutorial and there was a lot of information about lighting, composition and field of depth. This picture isn't one of the better ones I've taken, but I did learn something from it.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Week 2 - Macro

Week 2 - I'm still trying to get the hang of the macro feature on my camera. It's not as easy as it looks. If I move even slightly the picture is blurred. I probably took seven shots of this flower before I got a clear photo.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Week 2 - Even More Macro Pictures

It was beautiful outside today, the sun was shining brightly. It was a perfect opportunity to take some outside photos without the flash.

Week 2 - More Macro Pictures

I took this outside of my house this afternoon. The snow behind the Daphne just sparkled in the sunlight.

Week 2 - Using the Macro

Week 2 - My assignment is to use the Macro feature on my camera and take up-close pictures. This is a picture of the last bit of foliage outside of my school. I thought it was rather pretty, although brown from the ravages of winter.

Week 2 - Macro Photos

Week 2 - The first part of my assignment is to take a picture of "something" and have the class guess at what it is. So....what is it?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yet Another Perspective

I took this picture, just before I started my truck. There was beautiful crystal patterns all over my windshield.